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venerdì 11 aprile 2008

What happens if economic interests overcome the ethical and moral values and code?

Few days ago I heard on the radio, about the meeting held between G.W. Bush and K. Rudd and I have listened a sentence that has frozen me: "The position on the Olympiads has been treated with caution, to avoid upseting the important economic partner of USA and Australia". After that I have asked myself a question: “Would I buy tomatoes from a company that use slaves to coltivate them”. No obviously! I am a businessman and I have always decided and lived my operate without division between personal ethics and professional ethics. Ethics is ethics and beeing only one, you either apply it or not! unfortunately I believe it’s happening something that moves too much our ethical limits. . .
What we’ll be able to justify in the future? What we will say when we’ll have to pay directly, on our skin, the price of the global economic rules? Unfortunately this already happens from at least 20 years every day under our eyes, but us we are blind because, at least for now, it doesn't directly touch us, only our pockets. By now the multinationals control the global market this rules the politics of the governments and clearly our lives (check this interesting interview with J. Attali’, france economist). I am not kin in expressing my disapproval with protests, but with a conscious action, if it’s true that the world and us all need China, it’s also undeniable that China needs the world and us. Let’s use what we have always had to put an end to what has gone on for very long time, since 1951. We are speaking of the human and cultural genocide of an Ancient People that has the same Rights and Duties we have! Let’s simply reactivate Conscience - Ethics - Moral and let’s say: “NO I DON'T ACCEPT ANYMORE THIS; AND FROM NOW ON I APPLY THE RULES OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC SISTEM THAT HAS BEEN IMPOSED BY AVOIDING PURCHASING ANY GOODS FROM FIRMS THAT ARE NOT CLEAR AND HONEST IN THEIR PRODUCTIVE POLITICS!”. We don’t have to accept anymore what we know to be incorrect, and let’s do this with all the National and International products. (WE AM THE REAL CHANGE – WE DON’T HAVE TO WAIT THAT OTHERS CHANGE OUR LIVES, LET’S BECOME AGAIN PROTAGONISTS OF OURSELVES).

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