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mercoledì 20 febbraio 2008

Sunday February 17 th 2008

From Maurizio (Melbourne, Australia)

Thanks Australia, to give me the possibility to live a New Social and Cultural Ri-Evolution.
Being 51 years old I didn't think anymore to live such a strong feeling, it’s been since the 1968 years that I didn't feel so “alive and involved” politically, even if remaining independent and not identifying with any party. Obviously what is happening today in Australia is a change of Life’s Vision different for geography and Evolutionary demands but substancially and fortunately the same as in 1968: TO FEEL THE POSSIBILITY THAT THE WORLD CAN BE CHANGED............ AND TO FEEL THAT WE CAN BE ACTIVE PART IN THIS ACTION.
I was at the computer on February 12 and I looked in the internet for the declaration that Kevin Rudd would have ratified the day after, all this to live the moment and to adjourn the website in real time. Unfortunately I was not realizing that I risked to loose the Real Time and I have felt very stupid, in fact my inner voice, that guards and helps me when I become distracted, told me: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING SITTING ON THE COMPUTER? THE REALITY OF THE CHANGE IN ACTION IS IN CAMBERRA, AND THERE YOU’LL FIND THE BROTHERS TO EMBRACE”. It was 18:30 I immediately call Ilvana, I share with her what I felt and together we decide to depart for the Capital. We have reached Canberra late at night, fortunately we had booked in internet a motel, we slept and the day after here we are in front of the Parlaiment House with all those that, like us, believe in a Brotherly Possibility of Growth. It’s not easy for me to tell you what I have lived for the strength of the experience and also for the intimacy and privacy marks left by these experiences.
I obviously share with you the encounter with Glenn, dancer of the Sacred Aboriginal Dance, with whom we have spoken for a long time recognizing that we are: only one Planetary People, only one Planetary Brotherhood, and that only together we can make the correct changes. AAL THE ANCIENT ORIGINAL CULTURE, WHENEVER THEY COME FROM, HAVE THE SAME LIGHT MATRIX: LOVE IN ACTION. We are the one that divide, We are the one that exploit, We are the one that sleep................. it’s time now to WAKE UP and to ACT.

Thanks Australia for the opportunity that my family and I have been living for 10 years in this New and Marvelous Country. I am still an Italian citizen, I would Be HONOURED to become citizen of the country I have chosen to invest my energies, because I consider it the highest action of Consciusly Evolutionary Politic in the all Planet.

Thanks Kevin Rudd, being of the same generation You will easily understand what I have mentioned as EPOCAL CHANGES and, I must confess, it has been at least 25 years (from the times of Aldo Moro and Enrico Berlinguer, two great Statesmen that nearly achieved the Historical Compromise in Italy) that I have had no ESTEEM for a political man, such an esteem like the one growing for You. I publicly Declare my Silent Support in Action.

I conclude with a sentence of Alcide DeGasperi:

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