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venerdì 11 aprile 2008

What happens if economic interests overcome the ethical and moral values and code?

Few days ago I heard on the radio, about the meeting held between G.W. Bush and K. Rudd and I have listened a sentence that has frozen me: "The position on the Olympiads has been treated with caution, to avoid upseting the important economic partner of USA and Australia". After that I have asked myself a question: “Would I buy tomatoes from a company that use slaves to coltivate them”. No obviously! I am a businessman and I have always decided and lived my operate without division between personal ethics and professional ethics. Ethics is ethics and beeing only one, you either apply it or not! unfortunately I believe it’s happening something that moves too much our ethical limits. . .
What we’ll be able to justify in the future? What we will say when we’ll have to pay directly, on our skin, the price of the global economic rules? Unfortunately this already happens from at least 20 years every day under our eyes, but us we are blind because, at least for now, it doesn't directly touch us, only our pockets. By now the multinationals control the global market this rules the politics of the governments and clearly our lives (check this interesting interview with J. Attali’, france economist). I am not kin in expressing my disapproval with protests, but with a conscious action, if it’s true that the world and us all need China, it’s also undeniable that China needs the world and us. Let’s use what we have always had to put an end to what has gone on for very long time, since 1951. We are speaking of the human and cultural genocide of an Ancient People that has the same Rights and Duties we have! Let’s simply reactivate Conscience - Ethics - Moral and let’s say: “NO I DON'T ACCEPT ANYMORE THIS; AND FROM NOW ON I APPLY THE RULES OF THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC SISTEM THAT HAS BEEN IMPOSED BY AVOIDING PURCHASING ANY GOODS FROM FIRMS THAT ARE NOT CLEAR AND HONEST IN THEIR PRODUCTIVE POLITICS!”. We don’t have to accept anymore what we know to be incorrect, and let’s do this with all the National and International products. (WE AM THE REAL CHANGE – WE DON’T HAVE TO WAIT THAT OTHERS CHANGE OUR LIVES, LET’S BECOME AGAIN PROTAGONISTS OF OURSELVES).

mercoledì 20 febbraio 2008

Sunday February 17 th 2008

From Maurizio (Melbourne, Australia)

Thanks Australia, to give me the possibility to live a New Social and Cultural Ri-Evolution.
Being 51 years old I didn't think anymore to live such a strong feeling, it’s been since the 1968 years that I didn't feel so “alive and involved” politically, even if remaining independent and not identifying with any party. Obviously what is happening today in Australia is a change of Life’s Vision different for geography and Evolutionary demands but substancially and fortunately the same as in 1968: TO FEEL THE POSSIBILITY THAT THE WORLD CAN BE CHANGED............ AND TO FEEL THAT WE CAN BE ACTIVE PART IN THIS ACTION.
I was at the computer on February 12 and I looked in the internet for the declaration that Kevin Rudd would have ratified the day after, all this to live the moment and to adjourn the website in real time. Unfortunately I was not realizing that I risked to loose the Real Time and I have felt very stupid, in fact my inner voice, that guards and helps me when I become distracted, told me: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING SITTING ON THE COMPUTER? THE REALITY OF THE CHANGE IN ACTION IS IN CAMBERRA, AND THERE YOU’LL FIND THE BROTHERS TO EMBRACE”. It was 18:30 I immediately call Ilvana, I share with her what I felt and together we decide to depart for the Capital. We have reached Canberra late at night, fortunately we had booked in internet a motel, we slept and the day after here we are in front of the Parlaiment House with all those that, like us, believe in a Brotherly Possibility of Growth. It’s not easy for me to tell you what I have lived for the strength of the experience and also for the intimacy and privacy marks left by these experiences.
I obviously share with you the encounter with Glenn, dancer of the Sacred Aboriginal Dance, with whom we have spoken for a long time recognizing that we are: only one Planetary People, only one Planetary Brotherhood, and that only together we can make the correct changes. AAL THE ANCIENT ORIGINAL CULTURE, WHENEVER THEY COME FROM, HAVE THE SAME LIGHT MATRIX: LOVE IN ACTION. We are the one that divide, We are the one that exploit, We are the one that sleep................. it’s time now to WAKE UP and to ACT.

Thanks Australia for the opportunity that my family and I have been living for 10 years in this New and Marvelous Country. I am still an Italian citizen, I would Be HONOURED to become citizen of the country I have chosen to invest my energies, because I consider it the highest action of Consciusly Evolutionary Politic in the all Planet.

Thanks Kevin Rudd, being of the same generation You will easily understand what I have mentioned as EPOCAL CHANGES and, I must confess, it has been at least 25 years (from the times of Aldo Moro and Enrico Berlinguer, two great Statesmen that nearly achieved the Historical Compromise in Italy) that I have had no ESTEEM for a political man, such an esteem like the one growing for You. I publicly Declare my Silent Support in Action.

I conclude with a sentence of Alcide DeGasperi:

martedì 19 febbraio 2008

Mercoledi’ 13 febbraio

From Speranza (Melbourne, Australia)

“Who betrays Humanity betrays himself”

“Are less dangerous two eyes that see evil
than two eyes that ignore it”
(Luis Sepulveda)

To speak indeed of path and evolution I cannot avoid to remember an author that has lived and represented the values of the universal Humanity and what is described by him as sense of the 'Us'. Luis Sepulveda has literally lightened me for adhesion to the truth and for sincere love in the comparisons of the entire Humanity.
The fact that I have grown (I grew up) with the benefit of these words, and that I feel completely represented in this Humanity, that sometimes inflicts and sometimes suffers, but that nobody excludes, I believe that gives the measure of the immense value of his literary work.

In this moment I have learned that Maurizio and Ilvana are departing for Canberra to reach the thousand of people that together with the Prime Minister Kevin Rudds participate in the ceremony of the Sorry! to our aboriginal brothers. It is a big thing, and they absolutely do not want to miss the event! This is an important footstep to continue to evolve in this Country in full conscience, recognizing the big value of the essence, of the soul of this land: the aboriginal culture.
Thanks to give us the pride to feel part of this Country that starts to beat to the unison with her enormous heart and to proceed on the base of a Royal human, political and social integrity.
Saturday January 26th 2008

From Maurizio (Melbourne, Australia)

Hi, at the end of my first writing in this blog I have anticipated you that I would have touched the matters of culture and education.
I have been busy taking care of the publicazione of the written documents, music and video that have enriched my life, if you will visit the section Audio, Video, Documents Unixitron and Audio, Video AussiePeaceMaker you will understand why I have not written more in the blog.
Yesterday it has been the Australian Day and, by coincidence, on the other side of the planet the Italian government fell because for too long evident personal interests have stained the true sense of the politic: " THE SERVICE ".
You may ask why this has anything to do with culture, well it does! because if you live in such a young country as Australia, young from the point of view of the development of its own culture but that however succeeds in expressing such a high level of civil way of living, you ask yourself why in Italy, the country that gave birth to the Renaissance, to art, music and science they ended up this way?
I have thought over it a lot and clearly the answer is that Culture not always produces Wisdom. Wisdom comes from Deep Values. This is the big difference between Knowledge and Conscience, too often we forget thet is only by their fusion that we Enrich ourselves.
As Italian, I have been ashamed to see on all the televisions of the world the “ITALIANAGGINE” (the espression of being italian, the italian character), and also, being Neapolitan, you can imagine my sadness to see the city where I was born and to which I am thankful because it has made me grow up with good moral values, invaded by the garbage produced by the Napoletanaggine (sad representation of what perhaps remain inside).
I am now here in Australia and here I am trying to use my Napoletanita' and Italianita' (the best expression of my being neapolitan and italian) to contribute to the creation of the Australianita' (the expression of being australian, the australian character) and to the growth of this young nation. A thanks goes to Mr.Rudd that, with an action of Moral Ethical courage, has done something that is for the common good. Just installed he has taken 2 decisions (Protocol of Kyoto and Protection of the Whales) that, not only give Australia a new direction into Planetary politics, but help us Australians to build a new mental concept and to widen our limited personal visions projecting in this way the whole Country toward a much more Ample Vision. I ask however Mr. Rudd not to underestimate the importance of introducing: HISTORY - GEOGRAPHY - PHILOSOPHY in the scholastic programs. These are 3 very important elements for the construction of a young people.
The combination of these elements with the technical scientific and managerial teaching (already well developed in school) will create a much more solid base for our future Generations. In this way the education will not only give our future generations good chaces on getting a good job, but it will also give them the right perception of the Time/Space in which they live, giving them the opportunity to know and understand were they come from and why so many controversial events happen all around us. WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE OF THE PAST WE CANNOT HAVE A REAL SENSE OF THE FUTURE.
I recommend you this link Frederic Lionel.

Good job Mr.Rudd and good job to all of us,
alone nobody is able to create or change what belongs to everybody.
Tuesday 22nd January 2008

From Speranza (Melboure, Australia)

I want to thank Maurizio and Luca to have created with the web a public and fair mean able to reach all... whom want really to be reached.

The purpose, the vision of this global project of peace and the reading of the document "The Rule of the Divine Constitution. The Code of Love" and experiencing in life what is declared in the Rule of the Divine Constitution.... with Maurizio and Ilvana have had on me a first deep impact as always happens when we catch a glimpse of the truth’s flares. You keep on walking toward that Light, you look at yourself, reconsidering what is really important for you to know or to ri-know (recognize), from what you can neglect forever.

I hope that the desire to riconsider ones positions and oneself is contagious like has happened to me since I came in contact with you.

From that moment I have started to recognize, and to graze the resistances that were hardening me, to trust myself and little by little to trust the other; to abandon myself to ri-unify myself. The search of the union with the All, with The Father, to ri-appropriate my own being, to live also in the sense of the “Us”.

Few small and great footsteps, in which Maurizio and Ilvana have sustained me with intelligence and generosity.

It was already a need present during the years lived in Milan, or rather up to three years ago. Milan is a city without any doubt fascinating, rich of tradition, crossroad of migrations and experiences of life. Unfortunately, in the last periods I felt squeezed from that city that had given me so much, that I have loved so much especially through my father, an artist and pianist playing life in bars in the period of the “Milan to drink”. In fact they drunk it!... and to live there had become impossible. The lack of space; the impossibility to see some resolution among the annoying excess of hedonism becomed rule in Italy and a regular function of the things; the ephemeral context of the TV where I worked, all contributed to push me out of my center.

I worked within the television productions as costume designer, but luckily I kept on thinking with my head. I have cultivated a strong interest for the arts for a long time, I studied fashion, custom and aesthetics.

The creativeness is a great tool of freedom, of interpretation, of the world. In the fashion I saw the beauty the search of the perfection. In the costum I recognized the history and the human behavior, the style, but the style by now it was an awareness for me... even if from time to time I didn’t care, the style is above all “understatement” isn’t it?! Then, who am I? My family, my values. Where was all that? It was already thrown to the lions, always the same ones!

The element even more characterizing in me it is perhaps a strong empathy for the other and the interest to the themes related to the human.

A constant intellectual escape initiated in Brera, at the University, and entirely unconsciously on the tracks of Rodolfo Arico' an extraordinary person and teacher, abstract painter, that has cradled us in that very beautiful cultural context, in that heaven of the freedom of ideas, a factory of colture. I would want to remember Rodolfo Arico' which, in an compendium edition of scenography that I pick up from time to time, he writes:

... “The thing that more moves us, men of the modernity (in cyclical sense, not philosophical) is the vibrating gasp of Prometeo that, conjugating the divine, breaks the rules to give the fire of the wisdom to the men. This is an energy that survives the short-lived civilizations, that overcomes time and lives as sap in the spirit of the men of every epoch”.

It was already clear that to which we have been called. An invitation to overcome and to overcome ourselves, from which we hardly can step backwards, even if we were very lost in the complications of life, as often happens, I have never stopped searching, desiring, also for the simple desire to search the meaning of life and things.

For so many years I have let myself be transported in the so many unhappy days, of need of growth and certainly many pleasent days, in which more or less knowingly I have never stopped evolving.

It has been with you however that lifting myself, in erect position I have accepted consciously to continue to evolve, with the conclusive data to live in a new country, a very different environment, with the new family of the world, the brothers that I had never stopped loving.

Full of the energy of this marvelous place, light, space and hope, only now I can coordinate my growth with the others and with the All.

It’s the dream that renews itself, as bud of life, but it’s not all only evanescence.

Finally new routes and new means appear to go through.

Lifts your eyes, you will see the moon that sleeps in the sunny sky of the afternoon...

The dream comes true.
Friday 28th of December 2007

From Mariateresa (Melbourne, Australia)

At the end of a cycle a new one begins. Everything that has not been concluded asks to be completed and consumed. Everything that has not been learned asks to be lived or assimilated accepting the experience of the brother. While the new cycle asks to be planned the old one asks to be sacrificed (made sacred).
And here I am now, in one month 35 years old, the beginning of a new octave of seven, to manifest what? To express what? To be whom?
My request: unification of the parts, integrity of the being, totality and coherence in acting–being–living, going through fears, clarity up to transparency, liberation of the past through forgiveness, transmutation of fear into love, consummation of the personality’s desires, joy in expressing only the Light of the Being that I am, accomplishing the Holy Wish of Our Father for Its Glory.
A footstep, the "click" of an interrupter, an instant, a moment in the endless space and in the eternity of the apparent cyclical time of this cosmic comic game.
I put myself in your hands Father, to overcome every examination of all the subjects left suspended... but perhaps this is really the deceptive trap of my deluded personality: to believe there is still something to be done before, something to be learned before, something to be put into practice before.
But isn’t the key perhaps simply to Be?
To Be, neither before neither after, simply now to Be.
And the consequence of Being isn’t perhaps to emanate the Transparent Essence of the Unity?
And to Be in the Being isn’t perhaps to Be in the Being of the All Being?
And doesn't this mean by chance to be lined up to the Father’s Will?
Then if my ambition is to accomplish the Father’s Will, to line up my path of life with what the Father had in mind for me, with the plan of the soul granted and approved, then what am I waitying for?
The key is in Being, simply – purely to Be.
Don't complicated your life.
Take it easy.
Just do it!
Thanks Father and thanks to all those that listen and answer, thanks.
Sunday December 23rd 2007

From Emilia (Playa del Carmen - Mexico)

Thanks, thank you ever so much…

The Archive and the communication have given its fruits... to see, to touch, to read, to live the invisible visible. The game, the fullness, the simplicity, the interchange, the joy, the enthusiasm, the faith, the responsibility... some of the elements that have transmitted me the web........ I am happy for you Maurizio, I am happy for the opportunities that you have opened. The life is also an anagram, a simple anagram that with the correct key it opens walks to unite bridges. It’s a walk uniting earth & sky:
while you make one step on earth, invisible and bright threads drive you from the sky... (are we marionettes or celestial matrix then?)...... I'm underconstruccion… let’s hope I’ll make it!!! ah ah ah


U........ UNITY
S........ SILENCE
L........ LIBERTY

In the strike of some or many components of my ship, I continue to sail... Still believing that the anarchy or the democracy, the dictatorship or the socialism exists, to whom to give the power to become a big captain with great men and to spiegare le vele and to fly more and more high... Well, perhaps I mirror the ridiculous chaos and surrealism of the Italian politics....... Fortunately there is above me a big Captain that, with Great Patience, helps me to sustain the Hope to Be The Captain .... ah ah ah

A big big hugh
I love you