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martedì 19 febbraio 2008

Saturday January 26th 2008

From Maurizio (Melbourne, Australia)

Hi, at the end of my first writing in this blog I have anticipated you that I would have touched the matters of culture and education.
I have been busy taking care of the publicazione of the written documents, music and video that have enriched my life, if you will visit the section Audio, Video, Documents Unixitron and Audio, Video AussiePeaceMaker you will understand why I have not written more in the blog.
Yesterday it has been the Australian Day and, by coincidence, on the other side of the planet the Italian government fell because for too long evident personal interests have stained the true sense of the politic: " THE SERVICE ".
You may ask why this has anything to do with culture, well it does! because if you live in such a young country as Australia, young from the point of view of the development of its own culture but that however succeeds in expressing such a high level of civil way of living, you ask yourself why in Italy, the country that gave birth to the Renaissance, to art, music and science they ended up this way?
I have thought over it a lot and clearly the answer is that Culture not always produces Wisdom. Wisdom comes from Deep Values. This is the big difference between Knowledge and Conscience, too often we forget thet is only by their fusion that we Enrich ourselves.
As Italian, I have been ashamed to see on all the televisions of the world the “ITALIANAGGINE” (the espression of being italian, the italian character), and also, being Neapolitan, you can imagine my sadness to see the city where I was born and to which I am thankful because it has made me grow up with good moral values, invaded by the garbage produced by the Napoletanaggine (sad representation of what perhaps remain inside).
I am now here in Australia and here I am trying to use my Napoletanita' and Italianita' (the best expression of my being neapolitan and italian) to contribute to the creation of the Australianita' (the expression of being australian, the australian character) and to the growth of this young nation. A thanks goes to Mr.Rudd that, with an action of Moral Ethical courage, has done something that is for the common good. Just installed he has taken 2 decisions (Protocol of Kyoto and Protection of the Whales) that, not only give Australia a new direction into Planetary politics, but help us Australians to build a new mental concept and to widen our limited personal visions projecting in this way the whole Country toward a much more Ample Vision. I ask however Mr. Rudd not to underestimate the importance of introducing: HISTORY - GEOGRAPHY - PHILOSOPHY in the scholastic programs. These are 3 very important elements for the construction of a young people.
The combination of these elements with the technical scientific and managerial teaching (already well developed in school) will create a much more solid base for our future Generations. In this way the education will not only give our future generations good chaces on getting a good job, but it will also give them the right perception of the Time/Space in which they live, giving them the opportunity to know and understand were they come from and why so many controversial events happen all around us. WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE OF THE PAST WE CANNOT HAVE A REAL SENSE OF THE FUTURE.
I recommend you this link Frederic Lionel.

Good job Mr.Rudd and good job to all of us,
alone nobody is able to create or change what belongs to everybody.

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